Weifang Haiye Chemistry And Industry Co.,Ltd

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Modified Starch

ITEM CAS NO. UN NO./H.S CODE PURITY Hazard Class Molecular Formula:   WEIGHT QUANTITY/20' FCL
Modified Starch/ Corn Starch

 9063-38-1 /9005-25-8/79107

350510 100% NO NO 25KG  Bag 16MT
Other Names: Synthetic thickener
Application: Textile Printing Thickener
Textile Printing Thickener / Auxiliary
Disperse dyes, direct printing on terylene,reactive dyes on cotton

SyntheticTextile Printing Thickener

Synthetic thickener is of high performance, applied to reactive pigment printing coating pigment printing. It can be mixed with different kinds of binder. It is acceptable in roller printing, flat screen printing or rotary screen printing. It endows printing fabrics with sharp definition and good color yield, which overpasses imported homogeneous products in coloration and brilliance. The color paste in white viscous liquid has good stability and performance without influence in screen printing. Owing to its less dosage, it largely reduces product cost and pollution, save energy and has good results in safe production.

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